Size: 6.7 acres
Completion: 2026
North Leslie Community Park, tentatively named Heron View Park, will be a 6.7-acre park in the City of Richmond Hill designed to facilitate healthy outdoor recreational activities for residents and visitors of the fast-growing GTA suburban community.
The brand-new park will include a junior and senior playground, soccer field, colour-coated tennis courts with lighting, fitness equipment, a fitness loop, and site furnishings that will feature seating with umbrellas, park signage, and planting. The Great Blue Heron–the City’s ‘Bird Friendly City’ bird–has been integrated into the design in a symbolic feature at the entrance of the park.
In our role as landscape architects, we are working directly with the City, the community and broader consulting team to create a unique vision for the park that is a synthesis of ideas.
As prime consultant, we are providing the leadership necessary to achieve a collaboration of expertise, and a union of realistic, cost-effective, sustainable landscape and park element solutions, to design and deliver a park that aligns with the guiding principles of the City’s Parks Plan. This includes creating a flexible, multi-use park that supports year-round use for all.
The park is currently in preliminary design and concept phase, with construction proposed for 2026.