Toronto, ON
Client: General Motors of Canada Company
Size: 3 hectares
Completion: In Progress
Size: 3 hectares
Completion: In Progress
With frontage along Lakeshore Boulevard East, the south half of the seven-acre property will house a 160,000 square foot building comprised of a lower level podium that will rise to five stories, with three wings offering panoramic views of Lake Ontario and downtown Toronto. The remaining acreage will be comprised of mixed-use office commercial constructed from the significant re-use of existing buildings. Rising above the remnants of the old Gardiner Expressway, the innovation centre and showroom will bring significant new employment opportunities to Toronto’s east end and establish GM Canada’s presence in downtown Toronto. The landscape has been designed to connect the campus buildings to the street and to provide a welcoming experience to the surrounding neighbourhood. Streetscape improvements and urban design solutions provided include bioswales and rain gardens, curbless streets, and wide sidewalks with a focus on pedestrian accessibility.